New Website

I’m pleased to announce this new website as officially ‘online’!

Weak Links

In all aviation the pilot is usually the weakest link… The purpose of a weak link is solely to prevent the tow force from increasing to a point that the glider can be stressed close to or beyond its structural limits. Lockouts can and do occur without increasing...

Tow Bridles

I love hang gliding. For me there is nothing that can compare to the joy of a quality cross country flight. Like many pilots I have discovered the easiest way of achieving this is by going towing. It’s been four years now since Rohan Holtkamp taught me how to...


Lockout. A word to send a tingle up even the most gung-ho pilots spine. Before we go on to look at lockouts in detail a brief description of the theory behind modern towing will be of great benefit. We all owe a lot to Donnel Hewitt, a physics professor and pilot, who...